Gardenscapes dog training october 2019
Gardenscapes dog training october 2019

gardenscapes dog training october 2019

I said I didn’t like the idea of prong collars, but I was glad they put one on that dog “because the prong would keep the rest of the dogs and the humans safe.”

gardenscapes dog training october 2019

I remember talking to a friend at the workshop. Prongs work by poking into the dog’s neck when he moves out of position or when the trainer applies pressure or a jerk. The person hosting the workshop provided a prong collar and recommended that the owner use it on the dog. His owner and the people in charge of the workshop wanted him to be able to take part but were worried about the safety of other dogs. One of the working participants’ dogs was aggressive. Many years back, when I was still new to the dog training world, I audited a workshop. I do understand how seductive the “overpower and subdue them” idea is, especially when a dog’s behavior is scary.

gardenscapes dog training october 2019

And of course, it’s not humane.Ī recent study found a correlation between behavioral euthanasia of dogs and the owners’ use of punishment.ĭog- and owner-related risk factors for consideration of euthanasia or rehoming before a referral behavioral consultation and for euthanizing or rehoming the dog after the consultation (Siracusa, Provoost, & Reisner, 2017) So even though it is very tempting to believe we just need to “carry a bigger stick” than the dog and keep him intimidated and subdued, that is neither safe nor sensible. When seeking to change aggressive behavior, you shouldn’t use methods known to create aggressive behavior.

Gardenscapes dog training october 2019